Armory is done and live for [beta].
You still need to be logged in, cause why not, but you don't have to have a mini already. you just won't be able to save anything. But if you do have minis created then they will be selectable in the Armory. Either way, you now manage your character stats in the Armory instead of in the Locker. This will allow you to min/max your stats according to the Skills and Items that you want to set as your default equip. The Armory shows you the actual Character and Load sheet cards so players will be able to see exactly where the stats they enter go and how they effect what's available to them. The "deck" portion of the Armory is the lists of Skills and Items and it automatically sorts according to the character's stats so that only things the character is qualified for can be selected. there is a bug I need to address where if you select a skill/item that you're qualified for and then change your stats so you're no longer qualified for it, it will stay selected but still become "inactive" meaning you can't UN-select it.. I'll add a bug report and get to it eventually...
I also upgraded the print page so it now will output the Character Card, Default Load card back, associated Skill and Item Cards for a given character ID, but also all characters and their related cards for a given user ID, the full deck of Skill cards, Item cards, or all cards in the system. I adjusted the print styles of the cards a bit so that they all sit horizontally (even the vertical ones) so that you get 6 cards (or 3 w/ backs) per page in a uniform way. I also got rid of the divider headings so that they all will lump together to minimize space.