BattleRoller is broken up into a couple of "Rule Books" or levels of gameplay according to player experience and comfort. The reason for this is so that it can be really easy to introduce new players to the game while also providing continually deeper levels of engagement for on going and seasoned players. This modular approach to the game also means that players can add or discard the portions of the game as they choose and everything still works together seamlessly.
- Commando
The first and easiest to learn is Commando which focuses entirely on the characters. Players learn the basics of movement and combat as well as loading Skills and Equipment for their characters to use during the game. This edition lends itself best to cooperative gameplay as well as Light Role Play campaigns in additions to simple Death Match style games.
- Core
The next edition is Core which is divided into Core and Core: Advanced. This level of gameplay introduces the Rollers which add a level of complexity to the game as players are forced to manage the resources of their Rollers but much of the base mechanics remain consistent and players can "eject" from their Rollers and continue play using the Commando set of relative rules. In the Advanced version the rules regarding the abilities and limitations of the parts used in the construction of their Roller are more nuanced. Expanded abilities and limitations become active for the Roller gameplay by use of "Ability" icons on the Roller Part Cards.
- Invasion
The Invasion edition is on the road map but hasn't been worked on yet. This Rule set will expand on top of Core and add autonomous Kaiju to the game. These entities will be governed by the cards associated with the parts that go into the miniature just like the Rollers, and will have their own SPD values to determine when they take their turns. Some entities will have special rules that allow them to take multiple turns per round, call in support units, etc. Their actions will be determined according to dice rolls at their turn and "Program Cards" that dictate their actions.
- Expansions
Expansions aren't really editions unto themselves and fall more into Scenario and Terrain in order to enhance the game. These are the current expansions that have been developed for the game:
Hazards and Drops: In development. This expansion includes prop objects for Fire, Ice, and Electric Hazards as well as Loot Boxes. Cards are provided for different intensities of the hazards and expanded rules on how to interact with them as well as how to use the Loot Boxes in-game.
The Sleeping Woods: This expansion includes 2 large area maps, one for normal forest and one for a winter scene. Terrain elements included are large rocks, tree trunks, and assorted foliage.
Urban Assault: In development. This set includes a large area map for exterior/compound setups and a small area map for interior setups. This set introduces wall and gate pieces, turret rules, and terminals. Terrain elements included are column terrain, wall terrain, corner terrain, terminal clips for card walls and gates, and lockable terminals. Special cards are included for a variety non-terrain type walls and gates.
Danger at the Pier: Planned. This set will include a large area map with a focus on sand and water and introduce rules for traveling on sand or water, and water depth rules. It may contain terrain elements for buoys and introduce the Raft or Boat vehicle.