BattleRoller is all about customization, so you are highly encouraged to create your own characters and explore their skills and abilities to find a role that works best for you. That's a lot easier said than done when you're not familiar with the game to begin with. To get you started, the BattleRoller starter set includes several pre-made characters that have been play tested often so that they feel balanced against other Characters.
Name: Lana
Class: Dragon
Corporation: Evolutionary Technologies
Qualification Scores: 3 | 2 | 5 | 1
Bio: Lana was the lead scientist that discovered the Rift that the Kaiju will be coming through. Fully aware of the danger that is coming, Lana is determined to fight on the front lines. She's looking forward to getting her chain saw into a Kaiju to dissect one to see how they work.
Name: Juanita
Class: Gun Slinger
Corporation: Cyberwolf Manufacturing
Qualification Scores: 0 | 5 | 2 | 1
Bio: Juanita was born as Juan Carlos in Juarez Mexico and the youngest of 10 boys, she grew up feeling like something was wrong with her until she transitioned. Her 9 older brothers have always supported and protected her but now she's determined to protect them from the giant beasties coming our way with her twin silver revolvers.
Name: Rei
Class: Sniper
Corporation: Cyberwolf Manufacturing
Qualification Scores: 2 | 5 | 0 | 0
Bio: Rei is a 5th generation Battle Android developed by Cyberwolf Technologies. Her model has been fully spec'ed out and optimized for long range fighting, her over-clocked positronic brain can calculate perfect trajectories to ricochet her shots around terrain and maximize damage.
Name: Rajeem
Class: Shadow
Corporation: Justice Wing
Qualification Scores: 0 | 3 | 0 | 5
Bio: Rajeem is quiet, mostly keeps to himself, and is utterly deadly and a great team player. A veteran of too many missions to count, he's "seen it all". Highly skilled in both ranged and melee combat, he'll often take the "tank" role to protect the back line while they unleash attacks from a safe distance.
Name: Kaze
Class: Blade
Corporation: Justice Wing
Qualification Scores: 2 | 2 | 0 | 5
Bio: Kaze is a prototype 7th generation Battle Android produced by Justice Wing. It is designed to be fast, fearless, and fatal. Programmed to excel in melee combat and given the advantage of flight, Kaze is as swift and silent as the wind, and as fearsome as and avenging angel.
Name: Jamal
Class: Claymore
Corporation: The Construction Guild
Qualification Scores: 0 | 3 | 5 | 0
Bio: Jamal joined The Construction Guild out of High School in order to put himself through College but between having a solid union job and getting to regularly blow stuff up, the goals have shifted. He loves photography and has truly become an artist with shaped charges creating some of the most beautiful explosions you've ever seen.
Name: Chuck
Class: Boomer
Corporation: The Construction Guild
Qualification Scores: 5 | 2 | 5 | 0
Roller Core: DZ3-R (Dozer)
Description: Heavy armor, heavy punches, slow treads. Dozer was originally designed for knocking down buildings, but it'll definately rattle the teeth of anything on the receiving end of its wrecking fist.
Major Chin
Name: Major Chin
Class: Ranger
Corporation: Cyberwolf Manufacturing
Qualification Scores: 5 | 5 | 2 | 2
Roller Core: Mobile Command Long-range Assault Mech (MCBLAM)
Description: MCBLAM was designed to hit enemies hard and from a distance. It's not the fastest or most agile and doesn't need to be, as long as it has line of site it's going to bring the rain.
Name: Akshara
Class: Pilot
Corporation: Evolutionary Technologies
Qualification Scores: 5 | 2 | 2 | 2
Roller Core: Razor
Description: Like the wolves Razor is modeled after, it has been designed to be fast, nimble, and a dancer on the battle field. With fearsom claw attacks and a Boom-a-Blade capable of hitting multiple targets multiple times, Razor exemplifies 'Strike First, Strike Hard'.
Name: Inohara
Class: Slicer
Corporation: Justice Wing
Qualification Scores: 5 | 3 | 1 | 5
Roller Core: Stryker
Description: Stryker was designed from the ground up to be a Street Fighter, a Martial Artist Mech, and a practioner of bringing pain. Stryker easily has the most combat attack options of any Roller on the market today, allowing the pilot a wide selection of strikes to chain together into combos against whatever foe it's put up against.