The Corporations in BattleRoller largely define a genre of mecha or group different character types together. Corporate recruitment is handled via an algorithm in the Armory app and calculates the stats of a character along with what skills and equipment they've chosen based on Armor, Speed, Melee, Tech, Explosives, Ranged, Movement, and Health. Based on the values calculated, a character must score more than a certain amount to be recruited otherwise they will be considered a "Free Agent" and won't have a Corporate affiliation.
- CyberWolf Manufacturing - CyberWolf represents the western style mechs and is likely to focus on big guns and heavy armor. The characters recruited by CyberWolf will have strengths in Ranged, Armor, and Health.
- Construction Guild - TheGuild represents the heavy construction vehicles turned into weapons of war and are likely to focus on heavy armor and close range attacks as well as terrain manipulation skills. The characters recruited by TheGuild will have strengths in Explosives, Armor, and Health.
- Evolutionary Technologies - EvoTech represents mechs that are based on animal themes and are likely to focus on nimble, evasive abilities and close range. The characters recruited by EvoTech will have strengths in Tech, Speed, and Movement.
- Justice Wing - Wing represents the super robots found in popular mecha anime and is likely to focus on large flashy attacks and an all or nothing attitude in their skills. The characters recruited by Wing will have strengths in Melee, Speed, and Movement.